Hobby's and interest of KC9LGS.

( 1) Bible (Parables, Proverbs, and Scriptures)

( 2) Fellowship (i.e. clubs and associations)

( 3) Culture (Classical Music)

( 4) Recreation  (Long Haul Biking, Skin/Scuba Diving, Fishing, Camping, and Cross Country Skiing)

( 5) History (Life & Times of Scientists and Discoveries, Old Artifacts/Clocks Instruments &  Ancient Coins)

( 6) Geography (APRS, GPS, and Goggle Earth)

( 7) Training (Fiber Optics, Scuba and Teaching Electronics such as Heathkits)

( 8) Tech (Ham Radio, Electrical Engineering, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Metrology,  Aquariums and rocks)

( 9) Mathematics (MathCad, Chess and Self Study/Schuam's Courses)

(10) Business Inventing Tech Products, Stock Trading &  Precious  Metals.

